Burnout is Real. Here’s How to Deal.
You’ve grown up watching millennials be called “the burnout generation.” Hearing them say they “can’t even.” Watching their exasperated feuds with “Boomers” over avocado toast.
And they have every right to their burnout. Recent studies have proved that nothing short of systemic economic reform can even hope to alleviate the stress of hustle culture, crippling student loan debt, the affordable housing crisis, and inflation.
But where does that leave you?
The bad news: your generation has inherited all of its predecessor’s economic woes — as well as its burnout.
The good news: burnout is treatable, both in the short and the long term.
Let’s talk short term first.
- Self-care works. Focus on simple, affordable, immediate solutions (hot baths, chill music, walks).
- Try “dopamining” — completing short, satisfying tasks like beating a board in a mobile game or making your bed.
- Cancel something. Got some clothes that you’ve been meaning to donate? Just throw them out.
- Shorten your college application list. There’s no reason to apply to more than five schools.
- Quit something. You truly do not need to do multiple sports or activities in order to be successful.
- Go outside. Walk around barefoot; touch some trees; listen to the birds.
- Prioritize getting enough sleep on a regular basis.
Once you’ve opened some space in your brain, let’s think long-term.
- Understand that taking on side hustles to fund expensive self-care can actually make burnout worse.
- Unless you’re aiming at an Ivy education, you don’t need to take every AP class or get a 5.0 GPA.
- Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses. Focus on developing the strengths. You don’t have to be good at everything.
- VOTE. The kind of reforms needed to prevent a lifetime of burnout happen at the legislative level.
I’m a business major and problem-solver, but when I need a break, my favorite hobby is fishing or golf. It takes the edge off and helps me get my focus back.
Ryan Lueck Fall 2023 • Junior
Florida Atlantic University • Boca Raton