A Day in the Life of a Student Athlete


5:00 – Alarm scares you awake and makes you tense up. Didn’t you just go to bed? Chug a pre-workout, jog to the gym. Weight training: Leg Day. Ugh.

7:00 – Cafeteria: eggs, fruit, oatmeal, coffee; dorm: shower, quick change. Rush to first class, slide into seat just in time. Who schedules an economics class first thing in the morning?

9:30 – On to accounting and financial management. group project assigned; nightmare. Exchange numbers after class, try in vain to find a time to meet this week. Not with you in practice every single day.


1:15 – Head to pool right after lunch. Two hours of grueling drills. Coach grumpy about your turns today; give it an extra 30 after practice to work on them. Arms screaming, but finally getting it right makes the pain worth it.

5:00 – Almost dinner hour by the time you’ve showered (again) and caught the dorm shuttle. Roommate saved you a bowl of pasta from yesterday — lifesaver. Reheat it, scarf it down, catch up on each other’s days. Huge chemistry exam tomorrow.


7:00 – Quick nap; head to common room. Chemistry study group — get down to it; turns out, memorizing chemical compounds isn’t impossible. Feeling much more confident.

9:00 – Back in dorm; stretch, ice those aching muscles, finally have a moment to unwind. Snap is blowing up, but you need sleep. Back at it again tomorrow. Zzzzz…


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