Campus Security Fix-It Kit

College should be a blast, but safety comes first. If you’re feeling a little uneasy navigating campus life, don’t worry, staying safe is a skill you can master.

By following these tips and trusting your gut, you can avoid common danger zones and feel secure in your new home away from home.

Problem: Walking alone around campus at night feels sketchy.
Fix: Buddy Up! Grab a friend or use the campus escort service (trust us, they’re there for a reason).

Problem: My dorm room feels like Grand Central Station.
Fix: Tighten up security! Don’t share your spare key, and lock your door — even when you’re there. Don’t be afraid to ask suspicious visitors who they are and why they’re there.

Problem: You see something suspicious, but don’t know what to do.
Fix: Report it! Campus security is there to help. Don’t hesitate to speak up — it could prevent a bigger problem.

Problem: Partying got a little out of hand, and now you’re worried about safety.
Fix: Party smart from the start! Never leave drinks unattended, know your limits with alcohol, and look out for your friends. Better to make them mad by taking their keys than to let them drive after drinking.

Problem: My phone’s about to die, and I’m feeling exposed.
Fix: Be tech-savvy! Carry a portable charger and program emergency numbers into your phone. Most schools also have security phones around campus: look for the blue lights.


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