Know Your Brain

Rachel Davis, a student success coach in St. Pete, says the key to maximizing your executive functions is to “remember to remember” — that is, learn how you learn. To do this:

Start with a clear plan
Break larger assignments into manageable chunks, and create soft deadlines for each.

Monitor yourself as you work
Use a visual timer, analogue clock, or watch. Notice how long you spend on different tasks.

Use multiple senses
Listen to music for calm, focus, and energy; make learning hands-on and experiential whenever possible; and move your body as you work.

Use memory tools

  • Create mnemonics
  • Link the unknown to the known as a mental anchor
  • Create images to represent concepts
  • Write, rewrite, and/or sing your notes
  • Teach someone else the new concepts

Support sustained attention
Build in learning breaks and physical activity to keep your attention.

Reflect on successes and failures.
What worked? What didn’t? What practices will you keep or change?


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