Introverts, Take the Lead

Anyone who has ever taken the reins of a group project or been a team captain knows that being in charge isn’t always easy. And some people just seem to be naturally good at it. But what if you’re not?

Even the most introverted introvert among us can benefit from learning leadership skills. There are a few things you should know and do while you’re still in school in order to prepare for these moments.

Participate. It’s really important to lead by example, and you can start honing those skills by simply being active in your classes, in extracurriculars, and in athletics. You don’t have to be captain to give it your all.

Step up. You may find that a leadership opportunity falls into your lap — take advantage of these moments. You’ll learn to be more confident, organized and goal-oriented.

Embrace challenge. It’s cliche at this point, but seriously, you have to occasionally step outside your comfort zone, tackle new responsibilities, and learn from setbacks. This is how you learn just how resilient and capable you are.

Learn to communicate. There is nothing more important for a leader than the ability to build connections with their team; communicating clearly and effectively leads to empowered team members and lasting success.

Ask for help. Seek mentorship from teachers, coaches, or professionals in your community. Their guidance and insights can offer invaluable support as you navigate your leadership journey. You’d be surprised how many of them are also introverts!

By focusing on these soft skills now, you’re not just enhancing your high school experience — you’re laying the groundwork for a successful transition into college and the workforce.

You never know when you will be called upon to lead.


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